which rudder blade concept is better: the short Angler style or the longer
The question of which rudder blade concept is better: the short Angler style or the longer KS system has created plenty of discussion. Unfortunately there's often more to this simple seeming question than many posing the questions or offering answers realize.
Here are a series of bullet points based on test paddling over the years that will hopefully help:
1. The Profish Reload has been designed with a full length keel strip and a swept back stern to assist with tracking, making the kayak comparatively… more
As seen on Big Angry Fish TV Sunday 20 Sept | Season 4 Ep9 | Getting Towed!
Milan and Nathan have been putting the new Livey Pod concept to the test in the Profish Reload kayak, chasing hard fighting yellowtail kingfish. In this blog we share a little more on the prototype concept as tested by Stephen Tapp
The Livey Pod top side when sat in a Profish Reload cockpit
Viking Livey Pod prototype as tested by Stephen Tapp
The Twin Livey Tackle Pod allows me to easily… more
This week the team at our Queensland Sunshine Coast showroom finished rigging the Profish Reload & Profish GT ready for Paul Worsteling to use on the very popular IFISH TV Show. In this blog we will give you a sneak preview of the kayaks and ow we have rigged them for Paul to enjoy some of the best kayak fishing experiences in the Viking Kayaks
Profish Reload -Premium Fishing Kayak : Fast, stable, and easy to manage on and off the water, this is the kayak of choice for anglers seeking touring endurance… more
Paddle leashes are great bits of gear when things work against you, in this case saving this outfit from heading to the bottom – just be sure you don’t overreach yourself trying to make the save!
Recently I had another hot tuna session off Taranaki successfully boating multiple albacore as reward for the days paddling effort. To add spice on light tackle I even managed to entice a few small kings with trolled lures. At around a meter long they were definitely in another league as their sheer brute power… more
Kayak fishing light tackle - setting up to go light
Kingfish of any size can be a handful, but even a modest fish such as this light tackle specimen captured in just a few meters of water behind the breakers will stick in your mind for a long time.
One of the real joys of fishing from kayaks is the ease with which we end up on a “Nantucket sleigh ride”. Even a modest sized fish can have us moving against the wind, while larger fish can end up totally relocating us before the battle is done. This adds a dimension not experienced in larger craft as not only… more